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SARS-CoV2 links and collected information

SARS-CoV2 links and collected information


2021-11-29 COVID Long-Haul

covid_2021-11-29_long_haul.gif: 64k (2021-11-29 10:42)

2021-11-22 Europa - Vytazenost nemocnic v zavislosti od preockovanosti populacie

covid_2021-11-22_europe_vaccination_versus_hospitals.gif: 92k (2021-11-25 10:33) covid_2021-11-22_europe_vaccination_versus_deths.gif: 101k (2021-11-25 10:32)

Kto su dnes siritelia (2021-11-22)

covid_2021-11-22_siritelia.gif: 187k (2021-11-23 13:31) covid_2021-11-22_hospitals.gif: 147k (2021-11-24 13:02) - (c)Miroslav Plocháň

14 dnovy prehlad za 365 dni src

14 dnovy klzavy suhrn PCR testov + % pozit.testov/14 dni src

14 dnovy klzavy suhrn prirastkov pozit. PCR + RSSI 14 dni src

Incidencia 7 dni na 100 tis obyvatelov src

Okresy src
digipay_sk_okresy3.gif: 198k (2021-11-20 16:08)

Slovakia Stats 1.9.2021 - 16.11.2021

covid_stats_2021-sep-nov_deaths.gif: 17k (2021-11-19 21:55) covid_stats_2021-sep-nov_hospitals.gif: 24k (2021-11-19 21:55)

2021-11-09 Stats

2020-10-06 Comparing the Risk of Death from COVID-19 vs. Influenza by Age

covid_versus_flu_2020-10-06_01.gif: 16k (2021-11-12 15:25) covid_versus_flu_2020-10-06_02.gif: 22k (2021-11-12 15:26) covid_versus_flu_2020-10-06_03.gif: 250k (2021-11-12 15:27)

Očkování nefunguje, vždyť na covid minulý týden zemřelo víc očkovaných. Jenže je to přesně naopak

COVID-19 Fatality Rate by AGE

  • Death Rate = (number of deaths / number of cases) = probability of dying if infected by the virus (%). This probability differs depending on the age group.
  • The percentages shown below do not have to add up to 100%, as they do NOT represent share of deaths by age group. Rather, it represents, for a person in a given age group, the risk of dying if infected with COVID-19.
covid_death_probability_by_age.gif: 13k (2021-11-06 09:39)

Veda pomaha (2021-03-09)

veda_pomaha_2021-03-09_Cesko_umrtia.gif: 93k (2021-03-11 21:05) veda_pomaha_2021-03-09_Cesko_umrtia_muzi_zeny_65.gif: 67k (2021-03-11 21:07)

Prepoved (2021-03-05) na Jar 2021 .. tak uvidime ako to dopadne

Náš tip na víťaza druhej vlny
Vzhľadom na uvedené máme na marec 2021 dobré správy. Vďaka zrýchlenému postupu očkovania a návratu k očkovaniu ohrozených nad 70 rokov, vzhľadom na klesajúci počet hospitalizovaných vo veku nad 70 rokov a napriek pribúdaniu prípadov v okolitých krajinách, miernemu nárastu počtu prípadov aj na Slovensku ku koncu marca a napriek vysokému počtu denných úmrtí na prelome februára a marca 2021, Slovensko na rozdiel od susedných a nám podobných krajín čakajú lepšie časy.

Nasledovať bude krátke obdobie starostí s kulmináciou hospitalizovaných s potvrdeným covidom okolo 3800. Následne sa postupne zmení štruktúra hospitalizovaných smerom k nižším ročníkom (aj deti od päť do deväť rokov a tínedžeri). Výsledkom bude mierny a trvalý pokles hospitalizovaných, ale najmä zmena ich rizikovosti a tým aj úmrtnosti.

Kulmináciu počtu úmrtí očakávame v prvom marcovom týždni, neskôr predpokladáme badateľný pokles o 10 až 25 úmrtí denne.

Vakcinacia na Slovensku


Okolite krajiny okolo Slovenska plus European Union ako referencia


Nie vsetky krajiny reportuju tuto statistiku

Ceske trasovanie covid nakazy podla_socialnych skupin (2020-10-22)

ceske_trasovanie_covid_podla_socialnych_skupin.jpg: 96k (2020-10-25 14:30)


COVID19_Slovakia_SK-BMCx_ALL.gif: 156k (2020-04-07 17:13)
COVID19_Slovakia_SK-BMCx_ALL_phylogeny_unrooted_color_by_country.gif: 57k (2020-04-08 09:01)
COVID19_Slovakia_SK-BMC1_2020.gif: 146k (2020-04-07 17:13)
COVID19_Slovakia_SK-BMC2_2020.gif: 146k (2020-04-07 17:13)
COVID19_Slovakia_SK-BMC5_2020.gif: 147k (2020-04-07 17:14)
COVID19_Slovakia_SK-BMC6_2020.gif: 155k (2020-04-07 17:14)
  • (2020-02-27) Misinformation related to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
    • Estonia
      On February 27, 2020, the Estonian Minister of the Interior Mart Helme stated at a government press conference that the common cold had been renamed as the coronavirus and that in his youth nothing like that existed. He recommended wearing warm socks and mustard patches as well as spreading goose fat on one's chest as treatments for the virus. Helme also said that the virus would pass within a few days to a week just like the common cold.

    • India
      Political activist Swami Chakrapani and Member of the Legislative Assembly Suman Haripriya claimed that drinking cow urine and applying cow dung on the body can cure COVID-19. WHO's chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan rubbished such claims and criticised these politicians for spreading misinformation.[212] Parliamentarian Ramesh Bidhuri of the Bharatiya Janata Party claimed that experts say using Namaste as a greeting prevents transmission of COVID-19, but using Arabic greetings like Adab and As-salamu alaykum does not prevent it as they direct air into the mouth.

      Misinformation that the government is spreading an "anti-corona" drug in the country during Janata curfew, a stay-at-home curfew enforced in India, went viral on social media.[215] The notion that the vibrations generated by clapping together during Janata curfew will kill the virus was debunked by the media.[216] Amitabh Bachchan was heavily criticised for one of his tweets, which claimed vibrations from clapping, blowing conch shells as part of Sunday's Janata Curfew would have reduced or destroyed coronavirus potency as it was ‘Amavasya’, the darkest day of the month.[217] Misinformation has spread that the lifetime of SARS-CoV-2 is only 12 hours and staying home for 14 hours during Janata curfew would break the chain of transmission.[218] Another message claimed that observing Janata curfew will result in the reduction of COVID-19 cases by 40%.

      In India, fake news circulated that the World Health Organization warned against eating cabbage to prevent coronavirus infection. The poisonous fruit of the Datura plant as a preventive measure for COVID-19 resulted in eleven people being hospitalized in India. They ate the fruit, following the instructions from a TikTok video that propagated misinformation regarding the prevention of COVID-19.An "anti-coronavirus" mattress was advertised as being anti-fungal, anti-allergic, dustproof and waterproof and that it could fight the coronavirus.


Youtube params :

The Coronavirus Replication Cycle
(2020-03-10) Youtube

COVID-19 | Coronavirus: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnostics
(2020-03-16) Youtube

Understanding Molecular Mechanics of Novel corona-virus SARS-CoV2: Infection and replication
(2020-04-20) Youtube

Life cycle of SARS-CoV-2
(2020-07-02) Youtube
Original lecture : Life Cycle of SARS-CoV-2

(2020-12-07) Youtube


Replication-transcription_complex_for_Coronaviruses.tif.jpg: 82k (2021-01-11 21:53)

Model of the replicase-transcriptase complex of a coronavirus.

  • RdRp for replication (red),
  • ExoN for proofreading (dark blue),
  • ExoN cofactor (yellow),
  • RBPs to avoid secondary structure (light blue),
  • RNA sliding clamp for processivity and primase domain for priming (green/orange),
  • and a helicase to unwind RNA (downstream).

CoV genomic architecture and nonstructural proteins (nsps):

Shown is a linear schematic of the SARS-CoV genome containing both the nonstructural protein (nsp) and the structural and accessory protein open reading frames. The −1 ribosomal frameshift between nsps 10 and 12 is shown by the offset boxes. Boxes denoting each individual nsp are scaled according to amino acid length, and products of polyprotein 1a (nsps1–10) and 1ab (nsps12–16) processing are shown. Colors are as follows: orange (nsp7), green (nsp8), cyan (nsp9), yellow (nsp10), red (nsp12: RNA-dependent RNA polymerase [RdRp]), and blue (nsp14: 3′-to-5′ exoribonuclease [ExoN] and N7-methyltranferase [N7-MTase]).

A linear schematic of nsp14 is shown. The ExoN domain is colored solid blue, while the N7-MTase domain is hatched blue and white. The zinc-finger domain (ZnF) is shown in gray. DE-D-D residues characteristic of the DEDDh exonuclease superfamily [10] are shown as white boxes.

A model of how nsps7–8 could assemble on viral dsRNA and interact with the putative multi-subunit CoV polymerase complex consisting of nsps10, 12, and 14. Colors are the same as in panel A, except the two forms of nsp8 (I and II) are shown in green and light green respectively. A short (∼6 n.t.) primer generated by the non-canonical RdRp activity of nsp8 is shown. Binding of ssRNA by nsp9 is also shown.

Genome_of_alfa_and_beta_coronaviruses.jpg: 93k (2021-01-11 22:15)

Genomes of alphacoronaviruses and betacoronaviruses

Genome organization of HCoVs. Schematic diagram of seven known HCoVs is shown (not in scale).
The genes encoding structural proteins spike (S), envelope (E), membrane (M), and nucleocapsid (N) are in green.
The gene encoding haemagglutinin-esterase (HE) in lineage A of betacoronaviruses is in orange.
The genes encoding accessory proteins are in blue.

Murine_coronavirus_MHV.jpg: 548k (2021-01-12 09:46)

Murine coronavirus (MHV) virion and MHV genome:

  • (a) electron micrographs of coronavirus particle.
  • (b, c) Schematics of structural protein organization in the MHV virion;
    MHV virion is somewhat pleomorphic, containing an internal helical RNA genome-nucleocapsid phosphoprotein (N) complex,
    surrounded by an envelope containing glycoprotein peplomer (S, E, HE, and M) as specified in the text.
  • (d) Organization of the genes in the MHV genome; structural genes are shown in red letters and nonstructural genes in blue letters.
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Page last modified on 2021-12-10 13:53